What is “Creepy”?

Understanding what feels creepy and why is, then, both protective and prescriptive. It can help you recognize when someone is communicating with you in an inappropriate way and help you understand how your actions may have impacted others in the past. Let’s hash it out. 

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10 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

Does Daylight Savings have you down? You’re not alone! You may have heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression that affects 5% of American adults in the winter months. But did you know that 10-20% of adults experience a milder form of seasonal depression nicknamed the “winter blues”? That’s right, that sluggish feeling you get when days get shorter and the weather gets colder just might be clinical. But don’t despair, we put together a list of activities guaranteed to get you out of bed and back into the world.

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10 Questions To Ask Your Loved Ones In the New Year

The “New Year Season” is one that can be rife with mixed emotions, reactions, and approaches. Some may feel excitement at the chance to start with a fresh slate, some may find themselves engaging in self-criticism as they set their new year’s resolutions, and others may disregard the idea of the time construct and the marker of a new year entirely. Engaging in discourse with loved ones about their viewpoints, emotions, and plans for the new year can be an incredible way to connect more deeply. You’ll learn more about them and their perspective on life while getting the chance to reflect on what you want this next year to look like together, and how you may support each other in that. Conversations about the new year can be triggering for some - so approaching these conversations with meaningful questions that omit judgment and leave space for a range of experiences and thoughts is of the utmost importance. Try out the questions below, and see how much more connected you feel to your loved one going into the new year!

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