10 New Year’s Resolution Ideas That Won’t Make You Feel Bad About Yourself

New Year’s Resolutions are a fantastic way to start the new year!... in theory. It’s important and incredibly valuable to have goals for yourself in the short- and long-term. Unfortunately for us, however, New Year’s Resolutions have been warped over time into a tool to criticize ourselves and try to get rid of everything we don’t like about ourselves - in an unreasonably short amount of time. Yeah….not so helpful after all.

This year we want to re-claim resolutions as tools for good, and not evil! These goals and ideas for what you want your life to look like in the next year can actually be a really wonderful way to reflect on where your life stands right now, and identify in what ways you can make it better. If you’re struggling to come up with resolutions that don’t involve self-criticism and deficit-focused speech, you’re not alone - but not to worry, we got you. Below is a list of ten ideas for resolutions that won’t make you feel bad about yourself - and may even help you get closer to where you want to be in 2024!

1. I will embrace my needs! I will reflect on and identify the things my body or mind needs that I have been depriving myself of or de-prioritizing. I will make a conscious effort to re-prioritize these needs.

2. I will spend more time in nature for my mental and physical wellbeing! I will plan to spend [insert reasonable number here] of days/afternoons/mornings outside per month this year.

3. I will build new, or strengthen, my relationships! I will build new connections (perhaps by attending a Skip the Small Talk event) and/or work to deepen or make more meaning within my existing relationships (perhaps by using the Skip the Small Talk Card Deck).

4. I will engage more intentionally in my community(ies)! I will identify or spend more time in a third place, or within a group with whom I share an interest or identity. (Think: religious space, volunteer group, dance/art class, local dog park community, etc.)

5. I will decrease my dependence on my phone, social media, and/or technology! I will dedicate intentional time every week to be away from these things and connect with myself and my hobbies more deeply.

6. I will cultivate more joy in my life! I will try [insert reasonable number here] new activities or experiences this year, and reflect on what makes me happy. I will incorporate more of whatever that is into my day-to-day life and routine.

7. I will prioritize my financial wellness! I will dedicate time to thinking about my financial goals, and working towards a healthy relationship with money without shaming myself.

8. I will become more involved in social justice and/or issues that I care about! I will dedicate [insert reasonable number here] hours a month to engaging with, volunteering. or advocating for these issues. 

9. I will give myself, and others, more compassion and grace! I will identify negative self-talk and internal dialogue of judgment (of myself and others), and work to stop these patterns in their tracks.

10. I will smile and laugh more! I will create more opportunities for this in my day-to-day life, and I will give myself permission to smile and laugh even in the midst of stress or challenges.

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