10 questions to ask yourself for the new year

Photo by Matt Popovich on Unsplash

Sometimes, a little reflection can be helpful for ushering you through transitions. The new year happens to be a great opportunity to introspect on the last 365-ish days, and an especially good time to start new habits. So, we’ve come up with ten questions to help you make meaning of the last year and to move with direction into the next. As always, we encourage you to delve deeper into the questions that jibe with you and to leave the ones that don’t.

  1. How am I different from who I was at the beginning of this year?

  2. How have my relationships with others evolved over the last year?

  3. What were some of my happiest moments of the last year? Can I notice any patterns or commonalities among those moments?

  4. What were some of my most painful moments of the last year? Can I notice any patterns or commonalities among those moments?

  5. What helped me cope during the challenging times over the last year?

  6. What helped me thrive over the last year?

  7. How can I be gentler, kinder, or more compassionate to myself this year?

  8. How can I be gentler, kinder, or more compassionate to others this year?

  9. How did I live consistently with my values over the last year?

  10. What is one tiny-as-possible, concrete change I’d like to make in the new year that will help me live more consistently with my values? For example: taking one minute to write down three things I’m grateful for every night before bed; taking three minutes to stretch every morning when I wake up; taking a five-minute walk around my block every Sunday at 3 pm… the more specific and the tinier it is, the better.

Take good care of yourself, and we’ll see you on the other side of this year!