10 Questions to Ask Your Best Friend

Is any love truer than love between friends? I don’t think so! It’s easy to take friendship for granted, but it’s important to remember that relationships of all kinds take time and attention. Asking meaningful questions is a way of showing your friends you care, and also a way to connect with them on a deeper level. Now wave those Valentines goodbye, because it’s Valen-time to show some love to your BFFs!

1. What has life been like since I saw you/spoke with you last?

2. What’s something you learned about yourself recently that surprised you?

3. What’s the last thing that made you smile?

4. If you won the lottery right this second, what would you do first? (Silly answers only!)

5. How do your goals now compare to the goals you had for yourself in the past?

6. What are some things you’re hoping for in the year ahead?

7. What does “meaningful connection” mean to you? What are you looking for in your relationships (of any kind) at this point in your life?

8. How do you recharge when you’re feeling drained?

9. What’s something you did this past year that made you really proud?

10. How can I support you as a friend right now and in the future? (See also: I love you, and I want you to tell me what I can do to show you that!)

BONUS: If you were stranded on a deserted island and you could only bring one friend with you, why would that friend 100% be me?

Which question will you ask your bestie first?